6700 Ella Street, Pearland, Texas 77581, United States, Texas, USA
Serving Pearland, TX With Quality Auto Services for Over 25 Years
Auto Repairs
Whatever may be the issue with your car, our ASE-certified technicians can fix it. We provide comprehensive auto repair services. Call us today!
Preventative Maintenance
Save money on future repairs with regular auto maintenance provided by the experts from Cruz-N-Carz. From oil changes to tune-ups, we do it all!
Auto Diagnostics
If you suspect that there may be an issue with your car, have it inspected by our technicians. We provide computerized auto diagnostics.
Air Conditioning
Keep your vehicle’s AC system in perfect condition with our auto AC services, so you can travel in comfort during summer.
Alignment Checks
Do you feel that your steering is off? If so, there may be a wheel alignment problem. Get your alignment corrected by our expert technicians.
Brake Repairs
Ensure that your car’s brakes are in excellent condition so that you and your family can enjoy safe rides. Call us for brake repair and maintenance.
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