Sherwood Auto Repair Inc
9965 SW TUALATIN-SHERWOOD RD, Tualitin OR 97062, USA
Auto repair without the stress.
Drive worry-free.
Sherwood Auto Repair Inc Proudly serving Tualatin, Sherwood, Tigard, Lake Oswego, Wilsonville, and West Linn.
Here’s the deal.
Trust is a big factor for you.
Have you ever left an auto repair shop and felt mis-lead? The truth is the auto repair industry isn’t always known for it’s honesty.
We promise to never…
…mislead you.
…pressure you.
…or forget you.
Give us a call.
Tell us—what are you experiencing? We’ll give you our recommendations, and if you choose, bring your car in and let us run a few tests.
Proud to be a part of the AskPatty Certified Female Friendly Network! Visit us on the web to learn more.
Contact Information
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